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Left Behind

The Reason For The Song And Video

There are those who will wonder why I would write a song and do a video with this narrative.  The reason why is that so many people will not be ready for the rapture just before the tribulation  arrives.  I wanted to put this song and video in the context of what it would be like for those left behind moments after the rapture occurs.  What will go through the minds of those not ready.  If this video and song can shake people enough to evaluate their relationship with the Lord, then it will have served it’s purpose.  Bottom line, you do not want to find yourself in this situation, period. It will be a horrible time.

I do not believe in soft peddling the truth.  I’m not here to make you feel bad or good.  Let the truth have it’s effect by the moving of Gods spirit in your heart and life.  Truth can never be destroyed or hidden.  It will become clear and in the open.

Many of the songs I write are hard hitting.  They are meant to be.  I want people to be shaken out of their complacency. If I can spare just one person from this time of judgement then I will have accomplished what I’ve been sent for.

Yes I’ve written songs that are easy to listen to that are more praise in their content.  There are those who are close to the lord that will enjoy those songs of worship I’ve done.   So, I’ve just wanted to give perspective to why I write the songs and videos I do.
