
Welcome To Songs Of Light End Times Study Website:

The songs I’ve written and recorded are all listed here on sound cloud.  You will have the opportunity to listen uninterrupted to the music if you chose listen in browser.  I’ve created these songs with the hope that it will in someway minister to you.  Additionally I have divided the music into albums below to make it easier to listen by music groups making it easier to find songs later.  The albums are also continuous play.

In addition to the songs, their are videos I’ve made and also videos by other end time authors on topics that are extremely important.



Back in 2005 I was given a short vision where I was  writing prophetic last day songs using my computer and recording my vocals.  This I had never done before.  From this vision ,  I knew I was suppose to write songs but did not understand when, so 10 years past before I was being nudged to start this unique watchman’s ministry in 2015.

 My focus on many songs is preparing your heart for these last days by making you aware.  The videos I’ve made are to  enhance the message and experience.

We are with out a doubt, in the last days.  Time is very short and it’s way past time to get ready.  Lay down what seems so important in this life and embrace the Lord.  It’s way past time to focus on the eternal things that Jesus told us to focus on.

My hope is that through these songs, videos and the blog  I will in some way impact someone’s life for Jesus.  If there is any value at all in what I do, let it be for the spiritual enrichment of someone’s life.

I’ve included many great videos from other watchmen under several tabs.  Just click on them and watch.  You will see that the antichrist beast system is quickly being form right before our eyes.  We are in the final hours of this age.  Great changes are occurring.  Wake up.. It’s a dangerous time to be asleep.  You do not want to miss the rapture of all those who are ready.

The Most Important Question Facing All  Of Us Today Is: Who Are We Living For?

Jesus is returning very very soon.